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Ask and you shall recieve!  Here we have are three, count em' three, wallpapers (which I made) that you can put on your little desktop.  Doesn't that sound great?  Well if you think that's great here's the kicker, they're X-Japan.  Yea!  All you have to do to download them is click on the preview picture to download the full format. Enjoy!

Crucify My Love Wallpaper

This wallpaper will add a bit of X-Japanish spark to your desktop without a doubt.  In the center we have a piX of all the members and the X-Japan logo, then to the right there are some of the lyics to 'Crucify My Love'.

crucifymylovepaper_small.gif (13170 bytes)

Yoshiki Wallpaper

Here you go Yoshiki fans.  A wallpaper that has that piano playin' fiend Yoshiki in three positions.  It also has the X-Japan logo in the middle.  Black and white.

yoshikipaper1_small.jpg (4612 bytes)

Rocket Dive Wallpaper

Here he is!  Hide himself.  This one has Hide in alternate positions on both sides of the X-Japan logo (in the middle), which overlays a swirled pic of Hide.   Text at the bottom reads "Speed freaks baby rocket dive".

rocketdivepaper_small.jpg (5392 bytes)
